If you want to add more services on your near.biz profile, fill up this form today!

    Build Your Bookable Profile!

    Tip: We are brief and to the point, please add the following and join the network to sell your skills.

    Check and edit if the data is correct. Finish by saving and closing below.

    Name (required)

    The company name or your personal name that you want to show on your profile.

    Contact Number(required)

    (Phone and SMS used for correspondence)
    The number you want to show on your profile.

    Email Address (required)

    The email address you want to show on your profile and you want to send customer order notifications to.

    How much is your marketing rate?

    This is your marketing hourly basis rate used by customers for comparison. This hourly rate is the basis of the work.

    Write a headline about your skills and experience.

    This is your profile description to give details about your service. The customer sees this as your main capability so be specific.

    Profile Image:

    I certify all information above is true and correct. I certify that I am the authorized representative of the business to claim this listing. I accept the Terms of Service of Near.Biz and the 15% commission on my services.

    Accept and Publish Profile:

    Yes No

    After saving your profile, you will get an email notification to set your password and log-in to your Near.biz account. Please check Spam mail. You can use your Book Me Now profile everywhere on the internet!

    Marketing Tools

    App Registration Code

    Use this to register to link your account to the Near.biz app!

    Book Me Now Link

    Click Here

    Embed your Book Me Now button on your resume, email and text signature to get more gigs!

    Near.biz iframe code

    Click Here

    Manage your website from this page through embedding the iframe code in your web html code.

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